Pray with us for new friends in London

Meredith Flynn —  August 2, 2012

OLYMPICS | Serena Butler

Our long train commute has been a blessing; we’ve had so many opportunities to meet Olympics volunteers and visitors, and people who actually live in London.

On the Tube ride home after a long day Tuesday, I sat down in my seat as the train started to move. When I looked up, three of our team members were already talking to the people sitting next to them. All of them had the opportunity to share the Gospel. Mari-Sue spoke with a lady who missed her stop because they were deep in conversation. Here are a few of the new friends we’ve met during our commutes and days at the ministry centers:

  • Geraldine, a Londoner I talked to on the Tube. We talked about the Olympics and she asked who we were working with. I was able to give her one of our pins and explain the colors and go through the Gospel with her. She was very receptive to hearing about it and loved the pin. She told me that she was raised Catholic but is not in church anymore; then, she changed the subject. She got even quieter and we rode a few stops in silence. As she was getting off at her stop, she leaned over and grabbed my arm and said, “Will you please pray for me?” Then she stepped off the train. I wanted to get off with her, but had no way to communicate with my team what I was doing, so I stayed on, but told Geraldine I would pray for her. She smiled and waved to me as the doors closed. We prayed for her later during our prayer time.
  • Igor graciously took a group photo of us at the airport in Chicago. He’s from Russia but has lived in the U.S. for a long time. He asked if we were some sort of sports team. I told him that we were a mission team going to work at the Olympics. I also told him that I had been to Russia in May. When I told him we had worked with Baptist churches there, he was surprised to learn that there were Baptist churches in Russia. He grew up in a village in the north where there was no church at all. I was able to share a little bit with him about God and the hope He offers. I hope that brief conversation will plant a seed so that he wants to learn more about the Gospel.
  • Anya is working at the Sand Volleyball venue and her boyfriend was one of the drummers in the Opening Ceremonies. She was baptized as a baby, but isn’t in church at all now. We gave her a pin and a booklet, which she quickly started asking questions about. As the conversation got deeper, she wanted to change the subject, so we talked about her schooling at the university and what she wants to do with her life. I pray that she will read the booklet and that the Spirit will work on her heart.

Please pray with us for these and others we’ll meet during our time in London, that God will give us boldness to start conversations about Him.

Meredith Flynn


Meredith is managing editor of the Illinois Baptist newspaper.